Protect your evil base from all the heroes seeking glories and treasures!You are a dungeon lord and you are drinking your favorite cavern coffee when
Protect your evil base from all the heroes seeking glories and treasures!
You are a dungeon lord and you are drinking your favorite cavern coffee when suddenly your spy informs you that a hero wants to slay you. It’s that time of the year where heroes will come out and try to destroy you and your lair. Prepare for the attack!
Oh My Lair is a solo dice game where you control your minion to conquer region, collect resources to summon creatures, and defeat the hero before he reaches you.
This game won the 3rd place in 2012 Solitaire Print and Play Contest (Best Small Game Category).
Oh My Lair! is designed by Jason Sondoh and Robertson Sondoh, Jr. and published by Experimental Playground (EP). This android application is developed by Junhong Liang and is published under the permission from Experimental Playground.
If you want to learn more about the designers and Experimental Playground, please visit: